Therapy and self-development through Energy
Reiki can therefore be translated as “spiritually guided vital energy“.
The Japanese word Reiki is composed of two kanji (ideograms): Rei, which means “divine wisdom or higher power” and Ki, which means “vital energy”.
Reiki refers, on the one hand, to the field of energy that underlies and permeates all of creation, and on the other hand, to an art of healing and personal and spiritual development founded in 1922 by Mikao Usui (Usui Reiki Ryoho), where treatments are primarily done through the laying on of hands.
My name is Samuel Dufaure, I was born in France.
I received my first Reiki treatment in 1998 in Toulouse.
In 2016, I visited Georgia for the first time, discovering the powerfull beauty of the Caucasus its monasteries, and the extraordinary Georgian traditions.
In January 2023, I opened the ReikiTbilisi clinic in the beautiful historical district of Sololaki in Tbilisi.
At the same time. I joined the Integrative School of Reiki in Paris to refresh and upgrade my Reiki Master certification. This lengthy process led to the official opening of the Caucasus School of Reiki in Tbilisi in January 2024.
In 2002, I became a Reiki Master and started teaching Reiki, offering individual consultations, and facilitating advanced workshops for about 10 years.
I look forward to welcoming you there and offer you the opportunity to experience the immense benefits of Reiki through a healing session, or a beginners or advanced training workshops.
Teaching Reiki according to international standards.
What is important to us:
Welcoming students from any lineage and offering workshops to refresh and enhance skills, and foster exchanges among practitioners.
Introducing different styles of Reiki: USUI Tibetan, Karuna Reiki®, Reiki Holy Fire®.
Promoting Reiki and the diversity of its practical applications.
The Caucasus School of Reiki is affiliated with RMA (The Reiki Membership Association) and adheres to the ethical charter of ICRT (The International Center for Reiki Training) founded by William Lee Rand.
The teaching methodology of the Caucasus School of Reiki is that of Integrative School of Reiki in Paris, developed by its founder Gauthier Papp.
In the coming years, the Caucasus School of Reiki aims to develop connections, collaborations, and partnerships with international Reiki centres that share the same ethical standards. This includes participation in the global peace movement initiated by William Lee Rand - Reiki USUI/Holy Fire® World Peace.
Reiki powerfully stimulates the body’s natural self-healing processes, making a Reiki session an ideal treatment option for various health conditions. Reiki does not replace conventional medicine but acts as a supportive and strengthening element. The Reiki practitioner does not make a diagnosis. Instead he or she is an energy healer who can detect energy blockages and supply the energy required by the body to release them.
Practicing Reiki requires no special gift and can be learned during a two-day workshop at the Caucasus School of Reiki. Everyone can learn Reiki: discover how to tap into your own unlimited potential.
Session Duration:
1,5 hours
When to seek a consultation? Here are a few examples:
First Individual Consultation Fee
Package Rate (4 sessions per week)
Stress, anxiety, panic, burnout
Sports support (Sports performance, injuries, etc)
Personal development
Convalescence (post-COVID fatigue, before, during and after chemotherapy, etc.)
Children (hyperactivity, hypersensitivity, or emotional trauma imbalance)
Chronic or temporary fatigue
Business: leadership development, management, decision-making
45€/140 GEL
160€/480 GEL
2-Day Workshop
Group Size: 2-8 people
Reiki First Degree / Reiki Level 1: Beginner’s Training
Rate per Person
Rate per Person
Students receive the attunement that grants them the ability to channel Reiki energy. They learn to perform self-treatment as well as provide a healing session to others. They learn the history, the 5 principles (Gokai) of Reiki, fundamental meditations, and more.
Reiki Second Degree / Reiki Level 2: Advanced Training
Students receive the level 2 attunement that enhances their abilities and allows them to use the 3 Reiki symbols for more in-depth work on the mental/emotional dimension. The techniques at the second degree are numerous and highly developed: one learns to provide a session remotely (supprime la virgule ici) to enhance personal projects using Reiki energy, and to work on all aspects of one’s life.
2-Day Workshop
Group Size: 2-8 People
2-Day Workshop
Group Size: 2-8 People
Reiki Third Degree/ Reiki level 3: Teaching confirmed practitioner
Rate per Person
Rate per Person
Students receive the level 3 attunement and the Master symbol. This stage focuses on the development of intuitive work, listening to the inner Master, for a path of autonomy guided by energy.
Reiki Master USUI/Holy Fire® World Peace
Minimum requirements: must have received/reached/completed the Reiki 2 attunement, and know and practice the three USUI symbols of the 2nd degree.

This training certifies you as a Reiki Master Usui/Holy Fire® III World Peace according to the system created by William Lee Rand in 2014, which is continuously being developed.
3-Day Workshop
Group Size: 2-8 People
Reiki Master: Samuel Dufaure
Reiki Master Samuel Dufaure
Reiki Master Samuel Dufaure
Reiki Master Samuel Dufaure
Reiki Master Samuel Dufaure
*Please note that Mr. Samuel Dufaure is not a medical doctor, and the sessions, services, and articles are not intended for medical purposes. In case of medical issues, please consult your doctor and follow their advice. The implementation of all the contents of this website (pages and articles) remains the sole responsibility of the reader.
In case of medical issues, please consult your doctor and follow their advice.
The implementation of all the contents of
this website (pages and articles) remains the sole responsibility of the reader.
Reiki Karuna® Holy Fire® are registered trademarks by William Lee Rand.
3 Betlemi Street, Tbilisi, Georgia
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