On a personal level I completed my first three degrees of Reiki between 1998 and 2001, and obtained Reiki Mastery in 2002 in Toulouse, France.

When my project to establish the Caucasus School of Reiki was confirmed, I wanted to place the school in the tradition of the Integrative Reiki School founded by Gauthier Papp. These two branches are therefore visible in the attached diagram.

This is why the certificates presented below are all from the Integrative Reiki School of Paris and are dated to the year 2023.
I thank all my Masters and teachers for this transmission and for their sincerity and loyalty to the original spirit of Reiki as Mikao Usui Sensei wanted it. Depending on the available knowledge and the global development of the practice of Reiki, the understanding of this Art has evolved and continues to deepen for the benefit of all.

I wish to transmit as faithfully as possible what I myself have received and to continue this path while being faithful to the heart of Reiki (Reiki do) in order to share it with as many people as possible.
*Please note that Mr. Samuel Dufaure is not a medical doctor, and the sessions, services, and articles are not intended for medical purposes. In case of medical issues, please consult your doctor and follow their advice. The implementation of all the contents of this website (pages and articles) remains the sole responsibility of the reader.
In case of medical issues, please consult your doctor and follow their advice.
The implementation of all the contents of
this website (pages and articles) remains the sole responsibility of the reader.
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